I live and work in Richmond, Virgina, and earned my B.A. in Visual Art from Duke University in 2004.
I am a gallery member of
Art Works, and participate in the vibrant community of the
Richmond Visual Art Center.
I grew up in West Virginia, where I spent many an hour climbing trees, picking flowers, and getting muddy. I learned an appreciation for art, nature, and the beauty that is around us constantly if we only look. I try to use bold color and line to convey emotion in my work.
Some of my favorite artists are Georgia O'Keefe, Ernst Kircshner, Rene Magritte, Kay Nielsen, and M.C. Escher. I work in the areas of paint, pen and ink, sculpture, printmaking, digital design, and photography.
Please click on the "Contact" link above to email me for freelance work, commissions, comments, or constructive criticism!